Barnyard Millet Substitutes

Barnyard Millet Substitutes

This article provides an overview of barnyard millet, what it tastes like, its availability, alternative names, and of course what other ingredients make barnyard millet substitutes.

What is Barnyard Millet?

Barnyard millet is a species of grass that is cultivated in India, Japan, China, and Korea. It is most commonly grown as a substitute for rice, in areas that are unsuitable or too cool for rice cultivation.

However, in recent years, there has been a rise in rice variations that can withstand extreme temperatures and therefore the development of barnyard millet has had a rapid decline.

What does Barnyard Millet taste like?

Barnyard millet once cooked has a similar taste to broken rice. It has a nutty and earthy flavor, that is richer than regular rice.

Is Barnyard Millet readily available in Supermarkets?

Barnyard millet is not very popular in Western culture and will more than likely not be readily available in supermarkets. However, you should be able to get a hold of some in specialty health stores or online retailers.

What are some alternative names for Barnyard Millet?

Barnyard millet is also commonly known as Japanese millet, Japanese barnyard millet, or simply millet. It may also be referred to by the scientific name Echinochloa esculenta.

What is a good substitute for Barnyard Millet in recipes?

Luckily, there are a number of great substitutes for barnyard millet. These include: