This article provides an overview of almond, what it tastes like, its availability, alternative names, and of course what other ingredients make almond substitutes.
What is an Almond?
An almond is an edible seed cultivated from the almond fruit of the almond tree. Almonds are used worldwide in many cuisines and especially as an ingredient in dessert foods such as marzipan.
Over half of the worlds supply of almonds are produced in California, however the production is now unstable from climate change. Almonds can be sold as a grounded powder, a flour, a whole, chopped or sliced nut and even blanched.
What do Almonds taste like?
Almonds have a nutty, earthy and toasty taste, that is not too overpowering, making it a great addition in many recipes. Almonds can be eaten raw or toasted and often commercially sold as sweetened, unsweetened or salted.
Are Almonds readily available in Supermarkets?
Almonds are very popular and should be readily available in supermarkets, health stores and even local convenience stores. They should be found with the other nuts such as peanuts and cashews.
What are some alternative names for Almonds?
There are no alternative names for almonds.
What is a good substitute for Almond in recipes?
Luckily, there are a number of great substitutes for almonds. These include:
- The best substitute for almonds would be other nuts such as
- Hazelnuts
- Brazil Nuts
- Cashews
- Pistachios