White Wine Vinegar Substitutes

White Wine Vinegar Substitutes

This article provides an overview of white wine vinegar, what it tastes like, its availability, alternative names, and of course what other ingredients make white wine vinegar substitutes.

What is White Wine Vinegar?

White wine vinegar is created by the process of fermenting white wine by aerobic bacteria and oxidizing it until it becomes acidic. This process takes place in large stainless steel vats, where the ethanol in the wine is exposed to oxygen.

What does White Wine Vinegar taste like?

White wine vinegar is a relatively neutral acid and often has a light, fruity taste, which tends to be milder and less acidic than white vinegar or ciders. This means it is great for use in sauces, marinades and dress salads.

Is White Wine Vinegar readily available in Supermarkets?

White wine vinegar should be available in most major supermarkets, often found in large clear glass bottles, with a yellow tint to the liquid. It may be hard to find in local convenience stores.

What are some alternative names for White Wine Vinegar?

There are no alternative names for white wine vinegar, however, it may be confused with white vinegar. Unfortunately, the tastes are very different, and white vinegar should not be used as a substitute.

What are some good substitutes for White Wine Vinegar in recipes?

Luckily, there are a number of great substitutes for white wine vinegar. These include:

  • Red Wine Vinegar is the best substitute for White Wine Vinegar.
  • Alternatively, other kinds of vinegar such as rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar work well also.
  • Regular white vinegar can be used however will lack the depth of flavor.
  • Fresh acids like lemon juice or lime juice can be substituted easily also for white wine vinegar.