This article provides an overview of Nasturtium, what it tastes like, its availability, alternative names, and of course what other ingredients make Nasturtium substitutes.
What is Nasturtium?
Nasturtium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants, that was named after their similarities to watercress (Nasturtium officinale), which literally translates to ‘nose twister’ or ‘nose tweaker’. The genus is native to South and Central America and is a very popular garden plant, especially as the flowers are edible.
Nasturtium is most often used as a salad or stir fry ingredient and is rich in vitamin C and lutein.
What does Nasturtium taste like?
Nasturtium has a very similar flavor to watercress, with a slightly sweet and peppery taste. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked and the blossom’s delicious flavor makes a perfect zesty vinegar.
Is Nasturtium readily available in Supermarkets?
Nasturtiums have become a recent trend as the ‘edible flower’ and may be available in some major supermarkets or garden centers, as a seed or plant. However, as they are not as popular an ingredient as other herbaceous plants, you may need to try an online retailer.
What are some alternative names for Nasturtium?
Nasturtium may also be referred to by its scientific name Tropaeolum.
What is a good substitute for Nasturtium in recipes?
Luckily, there are a number of great substitutes for Nasturtium. These include:
- The best substitute for Nasturtium would be Watercress
- You could also use
- Arugula leaves
- Radish sprouts
- Spinach
- Mustard Greens